Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finally Some More Pictures!!!

Tent City! The Big House is in the background on the right.

My tent on day one! I'm lucky because I got a cot with two pads (each about 3/4 inch thick). So basically...I'm the bomb jiggity!

Very roomy of course! Don't be jealous!

View from our satellite camp, which is about 800m from the Big House (center of photo) and 900m from tent city (to the left of the photo). The flags line the path to sat. camp in case of a snow storm.

Satellite camp! It offices the University of Houston, Georgia Tech, University of New Hampshire, and University of California-Irvine (the school flags are to the right of the wooden building. The yellow tent on the left has a bucket in it for using the restroom. It is recommended to make the 800m trek back to the Big House because you have to bag up whatever comes out and plus you have to crawl in it (the hole is only about two feet high). In the background is the Balley Building, which hosts our instruments.


Looking outside my window!

This was taken around 11pm at night!

Me about to fly the tethersonde (we call him Nemo because he looks like a cute little orange fish) at "Balloon Island", which tells us temperature, specific humidity, dew point, potential temperature, wind speed, and wind direction with height. We have been getting them to about 600m on average and once up to over 900m!

Woooop wooooop!

Just before I got to fly the C130. This is Captain Shawn, and he said I was a natural!

Eager scientists ready to get to Summit and putting on their cold weather gear just before landing! From left to right: Jin from GA Tech, Max from UCLA, Adam from NOAA, Jocque and Katrine from the University of Colorado.

Yay, I made it to Summit!

Me with the spectroradiometer. Yesterday (Wednesday) Dr. Lefer and I calibrated it, which needs to be done about every week. The satellite building is in the background followed by the Big House behind it.

Unviersity of Houston crew outside of the Big House! Dr. Dave Tanner from GA Tech took this and surprisingly got everyone to smile by saying, "Houston sucks on three!!!". For some reason it made us crack up. From left to right: Dr. Lefer, Dr. Craig Clements (now at San Jose State University), Craig Beals, and me!


Anonymous said...

Hey Christine! I am enjoying reading your blog - most entertaining. It's almost as if I am there with you...well, except that I am wearing shorts and flip-flops right now! Stay warm and keep the posts coming. Tell Craig and Barry "hi".


Unknown said...

So I'm guessing the tethersonde is working perfectly now??

What up Christine? Love your blog, and let's see how much you smell in a couple more days!

Make UH proud! Well, atleast the atmospheric group!

TTYL, Monica

Christine Haman said...

haha thanks guys! don't you wish you were here to "tethersonde" with me? see you soon!