Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wed., June 25: First Full Day!

"Behind every tree in Greenland is a woman." Air Force Man

So I slept pretty darn horrible last night. I slept in: tank top, thermal top, wool sweater, fleece, thermal bottoms, ski bibs, and wool socks. Still I was cold! And the oxygen is 73% of what it is at sea level so it was definitely hard to breathe with my sleeping bag zipped up! Around 5:30am however, it warmed up, and I was able to unzip my sleeping bag and actually sleep! Yay!

The Danish Parliament visited this morning at 7am. Denmark used to rule Greenland, but in 1978 Greenland they granted them home rule. The Parliament wanted to visit to see the science going on at Summit camp. The tour lasted all of 45 minutes and one lady (possibly the Princess) experienced horrible altitude sickness. I'm talking bent over, throwing up, yelping like a dog!!! Don't worry though...Chris the medic helped her out!

We did two radiosonde launches today and got up to about 200mb. Barry and I also calibrated the above ground spectroradiometer and everything looked good. Our group also had a data meeting and it seems like everyone is busy.

This morning I heard a bird. I thought I was a) hallucinating b) altitude sickness or c) one of the other Summitiers was playing a joke on me. Sure enough, there actually was a sea gull that somehow made it to the center of Greenland at about 10,500 ft! We haven't seen him since. so he probably passed away :(

Lunch: Quiche four different ways (heard it was awesome but I unfortunately hate eggs)
Salad with every topping you could imagine

Dinner: Beef soup (had more beef than I have ever seen in a soup...I ate it with a fork)
Vegetable soup (actually added some of this to my beef soup)
Homemade rolls (mmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm)
Random tator tots
Blueberry pie

The first team is leaving tomorrow at 7am so we are having a few beers to celebrate their time at Summit.

Shout out to Dr. David Paul Johnson...HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY tomorrow!

Smell-oh-meter: 3...cannot smell my conditioner anymore but not really stinkin at all! wooooop woooooop

Take care!

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